Italy Vegan Vacation Time

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Vegan Italy Tours

Tours in Italy for all the vegans in the world combining things to do and see with research of place where to eat peacefully a vegan dish.

10 years’ experience

Combination of my vegan ideals with my ten years of tour operator experience.

What kind of person am I?

I’m vegan Because

Ecological clothing and cosmetics not tested on animals

Respect for animals is also not wearing fur or fur inserts unfortunately widespread, clothing of leather, silk, wool and feathers.
In addition to causing the exploitation, torture and killing of the animal materials are treated with substances highly polluting and often toxic to those who work and those who wear them .

For the animals

Animals are not machines for the production of eggs, milk, meat, wool and leather. They Are sentient beings who have emotions, pain, suffering, sadness, loneliness like us and is not ethically acceptable killing them in the name of traditions, habits, tastes.
The death of someone is never justifiable under any circumstances and even more to satisfy our sweet tooth.
The man does not need to eat sentient beings to survive.
I am convinced that if people knew what is behind a slice of cheese, a slice of veal, an egg, a buffalo mozzarella, a glass of milk would immediately become vegan.

For the environment

The environment, pollution and world hunger are other strong reasons to stop breeding and torturing millions of animals for the pleasure of big economic corporations and the consumers. Factory farms are a major cause of air and water pollution.
If everyone became vegan there would be enough food for the entire world population: just think that a cow produces 50 kg of protein in the form of meat, but its nourishment in vegetable protein is equal to 800 kilos of vegetable proteins.

Vegan Food

Considering that you can survive very well, indeed much better without killing anyone, the pleasure of eating, become more varied, creative, rich and tasty.
Vegan Vacation time leads you to an experience of an healthy, creative, natural, fresh and colorful food, to love the food without killing anyone and not giving up the pleasures of the table is possible, unbelievable but true…

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